Today we missed excellent day trading opportunities. We should have had an excellent day based on the way the major currencies were moving, but as it turns out, we’re only going to have an OK day after our forex broker, FXLQ, “fixes” two bad trades that were caused by “problems” at their end. Let me […]
Good Day Trading On The Forex Market
Today was a very good day to day trade the forex market. The FXLQ server we are on went down for around half an hour early this morning – close to 5 AM EST. I notified FXLQ and it was quickly restored. Don’t know why it happened. I spoke to Brian from FXLQ this morning […]
Delays in Day Trading EURUSD
Most scalps positive on 35-lot day trades of EURUSD. Still experiencing same type of execution problems. For example, the trader experienced many trade rejections in a row with the “off quotes” message – especially when trying to close out a position, even though the price had not moved by more than 2-pips [the maximum deviation […]
Day Trading on EURUSD
Trader today tried scalping 35-lot clips of EURUSD instead of GBPUSD. Even though the euro moves less than the pound, so the potential profit per trade is less, maybe the increased liquidity of the EURUSD might reduce the frequency of the “off quotes” rejections. I can only hope! Just received the trade log from Nigel […]
Finally a Losing Trading Day – YES!!!

Please don’t think I’m sick. I just feel that we need a losing trading day every once in a while to humble us up 🙂 Don’t you think? Feedback from trader: Many “off quotes” messages. “Off quotes” message also came up while trying to enter two trades that would have more than likely been profitable. […]
DTT sees a little “light at the end of the tunnel!”
On Saturday Robert Gray from FXLQ called me and told me that FXLQ was going to reverse the NFP losing trade on 11/3/06 due to the mysterious “price freeze.” Awesome! He said that even though the initial fill at 1.9093 was valid, the fact that it took over two minutes to report this to the […]
Why MT4 Rejects Orders and Trading Delays Continue
So a gain turns into a loss while trying to exit. After two straight positive 25-lot transactions, one transaction wiped out all gains. See the section from the MT4 trade log that shows the losing transactions and the delay in exiting the trade. 15:52:48 ‘1002’: instant order sell 25.00 GBPUSD at 1.9121 sl: 0.0000 tp: […]
A Trading Day With More Activity
Good day in general, but it’s a shame we had to cut back the size initially because of all the trade rejections and delays (and because of the fear of having another trade freeze up on us, like on Friday 11/3/06 [see 11/3/06 journal entry). Even today, there are many trade rejections. These are just […]
Boring Day in FX
Feedback from trader: Experienced a high percentage of trade rejections (“off quotes”). Only one 25-lot trade today. Boring day in the world of forex.
Trade Delays & Rejections
Some trades at the 25-lot level. Overall positive, but nothing to throw a party over. The fx market was not very active today either. Feedback from trader: More difficult to enter a position this week for some strange reason. More frequent trade rejections with the dreaded “off quotes” message. It’s taking noticeably longer to get […]