Our Internet provider experienced an outage and our phones were down for most of the day.Last week FXLQ told me that we might be trading again by Monday (12/11). Yesterday I was told that trading was pushed back to Wednesday (tomorrow) – and I’m afraid that it might be pushed back again to Thursday or […]
A Glimmer of Hope – New Forex Liquidity Deal
After an unbearable, multi-day period of silence, FXLQ spoke… Actually, one of our clients who’s also a trader [you know who you are], took the liberty of contacting FXLQ to express his concerns about the little incident last Wednesday (11/29). Shortly after that, Brian from FXLQ replied via email. He said that FXLQ is in […]
No Action Part II – Still Can’t Trade
It’s difficult just to sit back and watch the forex market move without being able to take advantage of it. The trader just sent me the log of Wednesday’s trades. I want to concentrate on a section of the log that shows 13 straight attempts to get out of a position! (one of the problems […]
No Action – Can’t Trade
Account still disabled. Can’t day trade. Still waiting for FXLQ’s phone call. I will keep you informed regarding the status of this new adventure.
David and Goliath in the Forex Market

You know the story of David and Goliath, right? If you don’t, Google it! Today reminds me of that story. Let me explain… Everything started well. Profits were good, the sun was shinning, the sky was clear, and then…without warning…Goliath reared its ugly head. The account was disabled! Yes; after 10 AM New York time, […]
Pretty Good Trading Day
Considering the myriad of rejected trades with the still-unexplainable “off quotes” message, today was a pretty good day for scalping. The great majority of trades were winners. The rest of the week should be pretty active as well, since Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all have their share of potentially market moving economic releases and Bernanke […]
MT4 Platform Crash

Even though all trades were positive today, the MetaTrader (MT4) trading platform started crashing. (Click here to see a snapshot from the trader’s computer). A few customers confirmed this on their end as well, while trying to view their accounts. We are still getting rejected trades with the “off quotes” message. FXLQ is still working […]
US Dollar Weakness Creates Scalping Opportunities
A day like today comes around once or twice a year. There were plenty of scalping opportunities today as the US Dollar got progressively hammered due to a widespread fear of a continually weakening US economy. Did we take full advantage of this “textbook” trading day in the forex market? Not quite… Today’s results were […]
A Somewhat Quiet Trading Day for Forex
The trading day began with a failed attempt to buy 35 lots of GBP/USD at 1.9057 at 10:49:48 GMT – a relative quiet period for the pound as the chart during that time showed. Why the “off quotes” rejection? I don’t know. Someday, someone from the other side might be able to explain it to […]
FXLQ Slow With Delays – Inactive FX Market
The Forex market was relatively slow today. Just three round trip trades generated. This inactivity is expected, as the United States takes their mind away from trading and focuses on eating some turkey! Final result: a losing day. Yes! Whoopee! Analyzing the log reveals one instant where a profitable trade could not be closed (“off […]